mental health

Facing Setbacks | How to Stay Motivated When it all Goes Wrong

Facing Setbacks | How to Stay Motivated When it all Goes Wrong

I’m pretty sure everyone is facing less than ideal circumstances right now. There’s a global pandemic (that’s only picking up speed where I live), the country seems as if it’s never been more divided, oh…and just for fun…half of my state is on fire (including one of my favorite deer spots). But, one of the things I love about hunting (and the reason I recommend it to every dude who isn’t a militant vegan) is that it helps prepare us for this kind of stuff. I mean, there isn’t a specific lesson learned in the field that prepares you for Coronavirus or looting in the streets, but hunting builds grit like few other things I’ve found. And grit is what we need in a big way right now.

Dealing with Depression | How to Fight Like a Man

Dealing with Depression | How to Fight Like a Man

Three months ago I found myself in a situation I told myself would never happen again: I had this cloud around me that I just couldn’t shake. Days were hard to get through at work. Sleep was all I wanted to do (yet it was hard to come by). I just didn’t have the same motivation I typically have for anything. 

I was depressed. 


So when I make my thesis statement that depression is a big deal, I’m telling you from my own personal experience.

How to Manage Anxiety | 3 Simple Tips

How to Manage Anxiety | 3 Simple Tips

Anxiety sucks! Okay, that’s an overgeneralization. The kind of anxiety that’s hard-wired into our human existence as a means of survival, that’s a good thing (preventing us from walking down dark alleys and whatnot). But, the kind of anxiety that is a rising epidemic in our modern society – the kind that lingers and builds and we can’t seem to shake even when there’s no logical reason to be filled with anxiety – that part sucks!  And as men, by in large, we suffer from it in silence.